Controlled Temperature

6 temperature classes for refrigerated vehicle
- Class A: Adjustable temperature from +12°C to 0°C
- Class B: Adjustable temperature from +12°C to -10°C
- Class C : Adjustable temperature from +12°C to -20°C
- Class D: Temperature below 0°C
- Class E: Temperature below -10°C
- Class F: Temperature below -20°C
Isotherme, réfrigérant, ou frigorifique
The three major categories of temperature-controlled transport are defined as follow:
- Isothermal: vehicle or cargo container allowing to limit heat flows between the inside and the outside in such a way that the heat transmission coefficient is lower than 0.4 K (expressed in K = Watt per M2-Kelvin). The performance of these devices is quickly limited as soon as the transport time or the difference between the target temperature and the external temperature is too high.
- Refrigerant: These are passive cold sources added within a vehicle or insulated container. This cold source may be of the type of water ice or dry ice, eutectic plates or liquefied gases, which allows the temperature inside the empty crate to be lowered and then maintained for an average outside temperature of + 30°C, to a maximum of + 7°C for class A to a maximum of – 20°C for class C.
- Frigorifique : This is an individual cold production system, thanks to an average outside temperature of + 30°C, it’s capable of lowering the temperature inside the empty box and then maintaining it permanently, according to the desired settings. It can transport everything over long distances.
Transport and storage: prevent any risk of breaking the chain..
Specialized logistics for perishable products
Suitable and ATP-compliant vehicles
The Agreement on the Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs (ATP) relates to international transport and the equipment to be used for such transport. The ATP is a United Nations agreement signed by 48 countries; it sets the requirements for the means necessary for transport under controlled temperature (refrigerated transport).
Depending on the nature of the perishable products you wish to transport, we will look for the most suitable class of vehicle.
This regulation applies in France for any transport of perishable products except for transports of less than 80km without break of load (no opening of the doors).
Our teams also make sure that the drivers employed are trained in the management of perishable products requiring transport and conservation between -18°C and +7°C. During the transport and the critical phases of loading and unloading, they apply the NURT recommendations (National Union of Refrigerated Transport).