Ad valorem insurances
Claims and dispute management
Our “dispute management” service is directly attached to the legal department of the BBL Group’s head office. Our team follows the legal jurisprudence of transport law and is constantly deepening its mastery of the management of disputes with transport operators.
They intervene quickly with the transport operators in order to preserve at best the interests of our customers.
If BBL Group own means are involved, they intervene in order to define a fair compensation for the prejudice suffered.
Calculating the amount of conventional compensation
The compensation is always calculated on the basis of the volumetric weight which is used for transport pricing. As a reminder, land and sea transport are taxed on the basis of 1 m3 = 1 ton. And air transport on the basis of 6M3 = 1 ton.
The compensation is then calculated on an amount in S.T.D. or S.D.R. (Special Drawing Rights).
As of January the 1st of 2021, this resulted in the following allowances in Euro:
- ROAD (CMR convention): 8.33 SDR per kilo, i.e. approximately €10.33 per kilo
- AIR: 16.5837 SDRs per kilo (Warsaw Convention) or 19 SDRs per kilo (Montreal Convention) or just over 20 euros per kilo.
- MARINE: (Hague Convention – Visby): 2 SDR per kilo (approximately €2.38) or 666.66 SDR per package (approximately €792) whichever is greater. In most African countries, the Hamburg rules apply instead: 835 SDR/package or 993 € or 2.5 SDR/kg or 2.97 €/kg, whichever is higher
For more detailed information you can refer to the website of the Institute of International Transport Law IDIT: Link

Risk prevention, coverage and litigation management
Anticipation is the key to a well-insured transport
The liability of transport operators is systematically limited to standard compensation according to the weight and volume of the goods entrusted to them. The Warsaw and Montreal conventions (Air Transport), the Hague-Visby rules (Maritime Transport) and the CMR convention (Road Transport) are clearly favorable to conveyors with rather low scales!
Within BBL Group, we are transparent with our customers and offer solutions to those who need a guarantee on the “real” declared value of their goods.